Uh-Oh, Whoo-Hoo, Un-Oh...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A long lag, but with good reasoning. The week of the 9th, I was at the beta site of the distributable for a stress test. Took all week, but the long and short of it is that the program is going to work, I believe there's a market, and the implementation was successful. Basically, after the event, we took two days off. On the third day the system did everything that would normally take 3 weeks to do manually. I think that selling point says it all. Being there was a stretch though, and I was very tired every day. The clients were very gracious, allowing me to rest a couple of hours in the middle of each day. And I made the 13 hour trip back with no problems, although before the Multiple Sclerosis, I would have been able to drive straight through.
Coming back, I needed a day of rest on Monday, I worked with the clients on Tuesday to get the reports and checks run on Tuesday, and did some little admin stuff the rest of the week. Wifey has been working and trying to find her feet in a job that meets her skills. And then, on Thursday, we decided to pull Chip from private school. The teacher there is immature, prideful and wasn't interested in Chip being a success. So we're home schooling - which means I'm holding down the fort for the next week or so while Wifey finishes her orientation for a review program at a local work place. Heh-heh. Taxes due, new clients to prospect, programming to do, business show on Wednesday......this is going to be a challenge again. And about mid-week I recognized I was having another MS attack. Avonex was on the way, but Dr. Freedman ordered me a Methylprednisolone step-down pack, which I started Friday. No improvement, but the Avonex came in Saturday, so now I'm on both.  The side-effects of the Avonex weren't as bad as I anticipated, and I guess I'll have to wait a few days to see if it makes me improve. Should be interesting.
Today, I'm making it OK, but not doing anything mentally challenging. I've been able to keep going all day though, and getting some stuff around the house accomplished. Still have the shakes and back pain, but the chronic fatigue is lessening. I figure I'll be able to tell by mid week whether I'm getting better, just maintaining, or getting worse.
Scale - 10 is worst
Weather - 40 and Sunny
Shaking - 6
Neck Pain - 0
Upper Back Pain - 6
Fatigue - 3
Foggy Head - 4
Tinitus - 4
Ears Full - 4
Hand Numb - 0
Spatial Orientation - 4
Gastro - 2
Insomnia = 0
Eye Focus - 2
Sleep Kick - 0
Pain Meds - No
Benedryl last night - 0