Condition update 2/9/09 at 8am

Monday, February 9, 2009

Some problems with the user section of the distributable. First problem is that the printing is right-justified. I think there are around 5 users like that. Then there are 3-4 users who didn't get the data files put on the computer as part of the installation. I'm thinking that its a problem with the user or security settings, particularly in Vista. I need more information before I can change anything though.

On the road this morning, to the distributable installation. Basically, 800 miles away. I've got 2 hours left of the trip after all day yesterday in the car. Crummy hotel, but better to be frugal at this point. OK sleep last night, but had to take a benedryl. The heater in the room was either on or off (my choice), and it only took me an hour of freezing/roasting to figure out freezing was better. I feel OK this morning so far, but really its too early to tell.

Scale - 10 is worst
Weather - 65 and sunny
Shaking - 6
Neck Pain - 2
Upper Back Pain - 1
Fatigue - 3
Foggy Head - 4
Tinitus - 6
Ears Full - 5
Hand Numb - 0
Spatial Orientation - 3
Gastro - 9 (consti/gass)
Insomnia = 7
Eye Focus - 3
Sleep Kick - 0
Pain Meds - Yes
Benedryl last night - 1