My wife says that I should try to isolate the triggers to my MS symptoms. A common denominator seems to be weather changes. The problem is that there are so many factors working together that its hard to isolate any 1 thing. That 1 thing could have been working in combination with many others to produce the symptoms.
The weather here changed from mid-70's and dry to 80 and fairly humid from Monday through Thursday. This morning it started raining and the temperature is dropping. Very shaky from the start of the day, my back between the shoulder blades seems like its on fire. Common symptoms for me when the disease stars line up. But again, you can't tell how everything else plays into the equation. Stress, sleep amount, physical activity, mental activity (all generally the day before) all seem to play a part. Problems is that I've had really good rainy days and really bad rainy days in the past. Couldn't sleep last night again but took benedryl early. Arghh!
Another problem with MS is that you can never figure out where to draw the line. Am I being lazy and just not pushing hard enough? Are the symptoms driving how productive I can be a maximum? Is how I'm performing indicative of normal mid-life slowing or because of MS symptoms? Is it affecting my cognitive ability today? (how do you measure that one???) I'd love to hear from other analytical types that are trying to deal with MS.
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