Condition Log 2009-01-06 - Early Morning

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Scale - 10 is worst

Weather - Rain and Cool

Shaking - 6
Neck Pain - 4
Upper Back Pain - 6
Fatigue - 3
Foggy Head - 5
Tinitus - 6
Ears Full - 6
Hand Numb - 4

Fell asleep at 10pm without sleep aides. Woke at 2:45 am and couldn't go
back to sleep. Still ramping down the oral steriods, 2nd day @ 40 mg.
Have oral surgery this morning, so no food from 4:30 am on.

Spent 1 hour this morning working LinkedIn email signature, and order
for SPSys. Then 40 mins for the morning surfing routine.

Morning Plans:
Pop web page edit
Donate programming work
Work new product pages
Work new blog format

Will be a bad day with surgery and court appt this evening. Pushing to
get my 8 hours in, along with a nap after the surgery.