Condition Log 2009-01-06 - 5PM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Scale - 10 is worst

Weather - Rain and Cool

Shaking - 9
Neck Pain - 0
Upper Back Pain - 4
Fatigue - 3
Foggy Head - 2
Tinitus - 2
Ears Full - 2
Hand Numb - 4

Oral surgery 10-12. Slept for 2 hours afterword. Very shaky and unsteady
in fine motor skills.

The upper back pain I felt this morning was excruciating. No advil or
anything as I had the surgery scheduled.

5.6 hours in from early this morning. Accomplished charity draft and
page edit from what was listed in the prior entry.

Continuing to notice that I'm very irratable, with very little patience
with other people - like under the max steriods, but still happening in
the taper