Why I'm restarting the blog and scant details about the Swank Diet and Jelinek's book
The original intent of this blog was to log both the symptoms of MS and my reaction or debilitation by them. As you can see from the postings I haven't made in years, that intent has been pretty much neglected. Recent developments have changed things for me though.
So to make sure that I don't spend an inordinate amount of time making blog posts and revising and rewriting, I'm not going to proof my writing, nor am I going to revise it. In essense, I'm going to use it as a journal and make believe that it's only written for me.
I'll also limit the entries to 15 minutes to compose or less.
That being said, I'll end this post by intimating that I miss my bulldog. He's been gone for months now, since the beginning of June. I still look for him to make sure I don't roll over his feet with my desk chair. I still hear his snoring here and there from time to time. And when I'm eating I can imagine where he'd sit next to the table, looking up to me in expectation of getting a hand-out.
On to other news, and the reason I've started this up again: I've discovered the Swank Diet. Although as MS patients we're told not to get overly emotional about stuff, the experience of going for 5 years with MS diagnosed and struggling with the disease and the effect its had on both my family and work life are astounding. Thanks to the Amazon Kindle and the electronic reading materials available, I actually did a search of the books available recently and stumbled on "Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis, An Evidence-Based Guide to RECOVERY" by George Jelinek. Note the emphasis on "Evidence based guide to Recovery." What this guy does is put all the research ever done on MS in one place for you to read, see the references and to research. He comes to his own conclusions, and allows you to come to yours as well.
On of the things that can't be disputed is the evidence that the Swank Diet works with MS patients. I'll go into more detail later, but what I'm miffed about is that the "expert" (and he's one of the top MS neurologists in the nation) didn't tell me about Swank's research results or the Jelinek book. Sigh. Turns out that there's good evidence that you can improve your MS symptoms just by going on a low fat diet and eliminating saturated fats.
The last time I had beef was on September 18th. Yesterday and today, I've felt better and more motivated to get down to business than I have before this.... ever. It could be that I moved the office to a brighter room and eliminated all the clutter of the old office. But I think not. Before the last "beef outing", I was on the diet for a couple of weeks as a trial and felt the same motivation and energy. Another thing that I found out is that MS patients MUST rest for an hour in mid-day so it's not like I can be completely healed. And I still have the reservations about working after dinner but I hope to correct that as I get rolling.
So I'm at the 15 minute limit. Hopefully, I'll feel the need to post more details as time goes on and it won't be 4 months before the next post.